Random Funny Pictures

I go to high school, and I always see stupid pictures in textbooks that I think are funny, so I thought Id put them online for other people to see. I also put other funny stuff I see on this site.


Tenth Post: April 5, 2008

Gas was pretty cheap today

Ninth Post: March 30, 2008


Eighth Post: March 23, 2008

 From the psychology book. This book is full of stupid stuff.


Like this. -->

Seventh Post: March 22, 2008

From a science book. They're standing way too casually. What's the guy looking at?

Sixth Post: March 21, 2008

From the psychology book.


Also from the psych book.

Fifth Post: March 16, 2008

This is the Spanish Book's description of a rebel (rebelde). Look like a fag to me

Fourth Post: March 3, 2008

This is from the Spanish III book.

Third post: Feb. 10, 2008

This is the back of the "Apple Cinnamon Toasted Oats" box.

Second Post: Feb. 9, 2008

This is from the psychology book.  The stupid thing is that theres no reason to have this guy eating a carrot. Kinda random...


The back of the Honey-Comb Box.

First Post: Feb. 8, 2008

This picture is from the psychology book. 

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